MAY 2024





I’m a gardener, mum of two little ones and a farmer's wife. I like to think I’m creative, I have an admiration for nature and am a lover of fashion. 


You are an incredibly talented gardener.. Tell us where that stemmed from? 

My grandparents were avid gardeners. Not just as an interest but as a lifestyle and out of necessity. Growing their own fruits and vegetables and making preserves to sustain their needs. 


Tell us a little bit about your garden and how you established it in the area you live in?

My garden is relatively new. We began building it in late 2020 after we completed our house build. I’ve slowly expanded and added more garden beds as the years go on. I’ll always continue to do this and I appreciate the constant fluidity of a garden. We live on the Hay plains which has naturally low rainfall. It’s flat and has naturally low vegetation with minimal protection from the elements. We use bore water to supplement the low rainfall. I try to carefully select the plants for my garden to suit these conditions, but I’m also an everyday gardener and always like trialling something new or learning from it. 


What is your go-to look for a day in the garden?

Something comfortable! Usually, active wear pants or joggers. But I always wear woollen blend socks and a warm jumper in winter. I’m not one to garden in denim. I always wear a cap too.


Where is your go-to for purchasing your plants? And what is your fave gardening tool?

I like purchasing my plants locally where possible, especially if they are grown locally. But I also rely heavily on sourcing plants online. A favourite is Woodside plants. 

My Hori Hori is always in close reach. Also my Husqvarna Automower! It’s been a game changer. 


What are your top tips for creating a garden in a low rainfall area? Frost affected areas? Gardens watered by bores? Asking for a friend..!! 

Try to have a backbone structure of reliable plants that you know will thrive in your climate or take you through drought periods. Then you can use preferred plants closer to the house or in pockets of your garden. Take note of plants growing well in your local towns or neighbours gardens and take that to your local nursery or ask other gardeners what they are. I also try to use indigenous (locally native to your area) plants to
transition in the natural landscape and to use for building protection from the elements or screening unwanted views.


You are married to a wool grower as well – tell us why you love merino wool?

Yes, my husband and his family operate a commercial merino enterprise and also have a Merino stud. We have RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) accreditation and supply ZQ (The New Zealand Merino Company).

I love merino wool because it’s sustainable, biodegradable, a natural fibre, breathable and versatile in its use.


Your family had a very rough trot with your son Jack being diagnosed with retinoblastoma. How was that experience? And living remotely would have made the treatments even harder? What support was available for you and your family during this time?

At the age of 18 months and out of the blue, Jack was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, a very rare childhood cancer of the eye. After a very tricky treatment journey, Jack’s right eye was removed to save his life and free him from the disease. He is now 6, happy and thriving. Living five hours from the treating hospital was indeed challenging and after Jack had complications with treatment, we had to relocate to Melbourne to be closer to the hospital. This was just at the very beginning of Covid, so added extra complexity being interstate. We were very grateful to have a friend generously offer their air bnb house just around the corner from the hospital to us. A gesture I’ll always be thankful for. We have done a lot of travelling back and forth for appointments and still do today for regular hospital checkups for both children. Childhood cancer charities like Country Hope and RedKite were also a tremendous support. We had a fabulous local GP and a great team at Melbourne RCH to support us. Jack always recovered more quickly at home on the farm and in familiar surroundings. He’s a true farm bush kid and his resilience and zest for life will always be admired.


What is your favourite piece from our AW24 collection?

I love the Penny pant in Navy. They fit perfectly, have a lovely weight to them and an elastic back for comfort! 



What are you currently reading I love flicking through gardening books and cookbooks. I’m currently out of routine of reading a novel. 

What are you binging on TV? I’m holding out for the new Bridgerton. But recently really enjoyed watching 1883 and 1923. I watch a lot more YouTube, and follow series like Monty Don and AD Open door.

Podcasts? The Ins & Outs Podcast with Pollyanna Wilkinson and Jojo Barr. It covers both gardening and interiors as the hosts are Interior designer and Landscape designers. It always gives a good giggle too as they both have a great sense of humour.

Favourite flowers? Cut flowers I love are Tulips, Hydrangeas and Aster style flowers. Or anything I see on Myvioleta or Bess Paddington Instagram page!

For the garden I love anything whimsical like Japanese
Windflower (which I can’t grow here), Verbena, Nastursiums, Centranthus and Rudebeckia.

What do you never leave the house without? Sadly my phone. Joyfully one of both of my children. Practically a water bottle and fruit for said children who are always automatically starving as soon as the wheels of the car start turning.

Favourite scent? I recently purchased a hand soap from Leif and also tried some of the hand creams also on offer. The scents of these products are incredible. I prefer naturally derived scents when it comes to any perfume, candle or cosmetic product. 

Favourite fashion brands? I love Marle, Friends with Frank, Country Road, Viktoria & Woods, COS, Henne and Elka Collective. Pretty much anything Mayfeild store in Geelong stock.

Your first fashion moment? My brothers and I use to love dressing up in cellophane outfits as kids! But probably my year 12 formal dress was a memorable big first purchase that my sister bought for me.

Dream Purchase? This year it’s a pair of good quality knee high
leather boots and a black oversized wool coat. Both items that would last me a lifetime.

Summer or Winter? Summer by the coast and winter on the Hay Plains. 

Do you have a superpower?!
Haha definitely not. If I did, it’d hopefully be the ability to heal people. Not just of sickness, but of hate, distrust and greed.