Our gorgeous super model Sheri aka She has style is a personal and fashion stylist based in the Clare Valley in South Australia. Sheri has been our model for you several collections now as her gorgeous smile makes our pieces look better! As a business owner with her own clothing store, She Has Style Shop and mum to young Ruby Sheri and I love to chat all things business and parenting so I was excited to catch up with her ahead of Mother's Day.

What is one life lesson you hope your kids will keep with them forever?
That it is ok not to blend into the crowd. I hope my daughter will always have a sense of respect and morals but most importantly, that she remains true to herself. Life is too short to try and fit into someone else’s box.
What is one thing your sons/daughters have taught you?
Dare I say it.... patience. Prior to having Ruby – I worked with SA Ambulance as a 000 operator. I thought I was cool as a cucumber and had all the patience in the world, I mean I had to... right? Well, was I wrong! Parenting teaches you NEXT LEVEL patience and I am forever grateful for this life lesson.

The most surprising thing about becoming a mum?
The amazing amount strength you develop and carry. The risks and actions we take without blinking an eye, all to keep our mini me’s safe is a super power I never imagined possible.
What is one thing you do consistently to take care of yourself outside of being a Mum?
This has definitely been a learned skill. As a mumma, it is so easy to put yourself last. 8 years on, I have finally realised that if I am happy, I am a better Mum. So I make sure I walk regularly (fresh air is amazing) and meditate when I get the house to myself.