Iris & Wool Podcast Features: Inspiring Stories and Sustainability

Hear the Iris + Wool Story

Iris + Wool designer Emily Riggs has had a unique and surreal journey into business and motherhood which is why she was so grateful to be able to share her story with two of her favourite podcasts. Learn more about Emily and take a listen. 

Life on the land podcast
Graziher Podcast - Life on the Land

This Graziher podcast tells stories of women who live in rural and regional Australia. Iris + Wool designer Emily sat down to chat with Emily Herbert with her tiny daughter, Lucy - at the time only 10-weeks-old - strapped to her chest to share her story. 

Listen to the Graziher Podcast here
Motherland Podcast Emily Riggs
Motherland Podcast

The Motherland podcast shares real, raw and unbelievable stories of motherhood told by women on the land. Emily was honoured to share her story of battling cancer herself as a child, losing her mum to breast cancer when she was very young and navigating motherhood without her Mum's support. 

Listen to the Motherland Podcast here

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